Book Tickets: Afternoon Tea Bletchley Park

Ticket Details

Please select tickets to attend Afternoon Tea Bletchley Park

Glass of Prosecco£6.00
Adult Entry with Afternoon Tea£58.00
Concession Entry with Afternoon Tea£55.50
Child (aged 12-17) Entry with Afternoon Tea£49.50
Afternoon Tea Child (3-11)£14.00
Afternoon Tea (Annual Pass Holders Only)£32.00
Afternoon Tea (Friends Membership)£28.80
Local Resident Adult Entry with Afternoon Tea£45.00
Local Resident Concession Entry with Afternoon Tea£43.75
Local Resident Child Entry with Afternoon Tea£40.75
If you have any questions, please contact us on 01908 272673 or

Total Price: £0.00




Bletchley Park

Bletchley Park

The Mansion, Bletchley Park
Sherwood Drive, Bletchley
Milton Keynes, MK3 6EB

T: 01908 272673